Handcuffs and Softcuff Training

Physical Intervention Training

Handcuffs and Softcuffs

It is not against the law to carry or use handcuffs.
Handcuffs are designed as a temporary restraining device and provided they are used as such by properly trained staff, any person may use a set. Their carriage and use rests with common law and allows temporary restraint in order to:
Prevent the unlawful escape of a prisoner lawfully detained
Reduce the risk of foreseeable violence after an arrest or restraint has taken place
The main reason for handcuffing is safety of:
The public
Staff or colleagues
The person handcuffed

Emergency Response Belt and Soft Cuffs

When restraining clients or service users, staff and employers have a legal obligation to use the least intrusive option available. The emergency restraint belt and soft-cuffing course provides this and helps reduce the risks associated with the need to hold someone in manual restraint. Metal and plastic restraints and inflexible and have edges which frequently result in injury to the person they are applied to. The ERB and ERC are soft and manufactured from a material with a small amount of give, which can prevent over-tightening and thus reduce the risk of injury.


The use of Handcuffs and Softcuffs can play a vital role in ensuring the safety and welfare of all those involved in a restraint incident. The risk of harm or injury to all concerned is far greater if a person is violent or non-compliant for an extended period of time.
Handcuffs and Softcuffs are used as a temporary restraining measure to prevent harm to an individual or others. By using them in a prolonged restraint or for transporting a person, they can dramatically reduce the risks that are associated with physical intervention.

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